Covering Food CULTURE in Central Ohio

C-BUS is a Party for Pedal-Powered Pub Patrons
Pedal Wagons have been a common summer sight in Downtown for years now. They’re a great way to experience the city, and one of the reasons I decided to launch The SkilletReport Columbus.

Elevator Elevates Local Cuisine
Elevator Brewery and Draught Haus in the historic Columbia Building in Downtown Columbus serves up delicious food, and our editor is convinced the bathroom is haunted.
O on LANE and BELLISARI’S: Friends Forged in Food
Ed Gaughan, veteran restaurateur/bar owner and Annette Bellisari Johnson of Bellisari’s Gourmet Convenience sauces and spreads are members of the Columbus food aristocracy. They met at Ed’s The O on Lane to livestream some St. Paddy’s Day recipies and cocktail demos.
TheSkilletReport Columbus is part of the Townsend Creative Imaging marketing operation. Our restaurant partners use our services to outsource their marketing, content and digital strategy services for a monthly fee that includes regular features on the SkilletReport, but also a full photo/video asset package, digital strategy, social media and SEO management, website upgrades, delivery service integrations and more.